Friday 6 August 2010

Day 62 - The electricians started today

Most of the windows were installed over today, and looking really great. They also have a slightly mirrored effect to them from a distance, which looks pretty good. Only a few more to install (and the outside doors haven't yet arrived).
The sparkies also arrived today & completed the wiring on the 1st floor. Probably another day and a half to do in order to get downstairs wired up. Looking to tie into the existing consumer unit, as there's plenty of free space left on the bars.
With the wiring starting now I've also been in & put up the brackets for the media cables. I'll get the cables installed over the weekend, with them all tying back to the garage workshop area.
Weather hasn't been the best, but now that the house is (mostly) waterproof we can still get one with things.


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